We are advancing understanding of how social media can improve the health of communities around the world.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the need for new approaches to addressing today’s complex health challenges. It also underscored the immense potential of leveraging digital platforms to promote public health.

That’s why we formed the Advancing Health Online Initiative (AHO) — a fiscally sponsored project of Global Impact that explores how social media and online engagement can increase the health and resiliency of communities around the world. We are accelerating innovative research, disseminating knowledge, and inspiring cross-sector collaboration.

Boosting vaccination, at $1 per shot

Studies show the power of social media to promote public health. In 2021, researchers funded by AHO’s Vaccine Confidence Fund launched a digital campaign to assess whether political messages could boost COVID vaccination rates. They ran YouTube ads featuring a political leader in more than 1,000 U.S. counties that lagged in COVID vaccine uptake. The $100,000 campaign resulted in 104,036 new vaccinations.

Our Programs

We have launched three flagship programs to date, with more to follow. These initiatives will accelerate our collective ability to make a lasting positive impact on health behavior. Meta and MSD have each committed $20 million to fund programs aligned to AHO’s mission.

Vaccine Confidence Fund Preliminary Insights Report

Our new report presents lessons and insights from our initial research into using social media to drive vaccine confidence. These important findings are a useful reference for future endeavors exploring how social media and online engagement can drive offline health action.

Download the Report


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Help advance public understanding of how social media can bolster health and community resilience. If you’re interested in getting involved we would love to hear from you.

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